Monday 12 October 2009

Hi eveyone, it was great seing you all in Sweden last week!

Since we talked about starting to use this blog, I thought I'dd use this channel to post a link to the film that we saw some of during my presentation. Some of you asked for it. You can find a link to the film's details here: Kautokeino-opprøret. If anyone is interested in watching my copy, I could send/give it to you.

Also, should we put up links to our own websites/blogs? Or other websites that are interesting? I for one would be very interested to see them. I was thinking that it might be good to make another section to the right of this text for links to our own sites- i.e. "participants and friends", but I don't have access to do it. Also the right hand part of this blog should be kept pretty short, I guess, so maybe the preliminary dates section could be shortened down- and definately changed to the right dates and locations...

All the best!


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