Sunday 26 September 2010

Hey! whats up? found a interview with the israeli artist Yael Bartana which recently had a show here at Moderna Museet in Malmö. Some of us that where here in May saw her at a talk at Moderna Museet.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Hi everyone!

There is a big discussion going on in Oslo right now whether one should boycott an exhibition at Kunstforeningen in Oslo where 9 Isralie artists are participating in the exhibition called Stop Making Sense.

It has specially provoked people because a norwegian foundation called Stiftelsen Morgenstjernen has given their support to the exhibition saying that their intention is to "promote Israel as a living, pluralistic and democratic society that works for peace with their neighbours as well as defending theirselves against them"

Wish it was in english, but this first one is unfortunately only in norwegian. English text in the links further down.

A lot of people states that they want to boycott the exhibition, whether others feel that to boycott artists and exclude is the wrong way and " Individuals who are actively speaking and working against the Israeli Occupation, and discrimination of the Palestinians are to be supported."

This article discussing the same case, is party in english.

Here you can read what the curator have thought around this: scroll down on this page for english version.

Al the best,

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Hi to everyone,
I hope that all of are ok and safe and I feel happy that you all,
the last workshop that I missed was in my mind all the time and I feel so good that I met you all in Berlin, Malmo, and specially her in Ramallah,

life is going good her but the situation on fire again,

I am doing a research about dreams so I would like to hear from you what is dreaming for you and do you like to have a dream or not and why, if you stop dreaming what you well do ? ? ?

all the best
Khaled Jarrar

Wednesday 24 February 2010

hej to everyone,
Again a try to use the blog.
I would like to sum up our Impressions/Expressions/Thoughts and Talks in Lisbon. First it was great to meet you all again and also to meet the students from the Mausmaus.
I really enjoyed to get to know how things / the project thoughts are now.
In Portugal we had lectures about Colonialism - Post colonialism.
So that was another part of Escapism. So lets see if we can bring each Workshop into connection with one aspect of Escaping.
Braunschweig - leaving home because of political and economic reasons
Ramallah- How to come back
Malmö - being away in your mind
Lisbon - colonizing a country/people, power - victim

This ofcourse is only a suggestion and I hope it is a base for a discussion.
